Eat Pray Love

I just finished reading Elizabeth Gilbert’s bestselling book “Eat, Love Pray”, and it was FANTASTIC!  The book is an adventure into one woman’s incredible journey to find herself. 

Here was a woman, who from the outside looking in, have the ‘perfect life’.  She had a successful career, the big house in the suburbs and a handsome husband.  Yet, she found herself crying on the bathroom floor every night, miserable.  It is the story of the courage it took to walk away from a life everyone else deemed ‘perfect’, and it portrays her year long journey to Italy, India and Bali – to find herself.

In Italy, she spends 4 months divulging in pleasure (mostly from eating!).  In India she spends 4 months at an Ashram, learning how to meditate and pray.  And in Bali, her 4 months are to try and find a way to balance the two… and in the process, she finds love.

There is something in this book for everyone.  A great read, I recommend it whole-heartedly.

Good reading!
