Things Not To Say In An Interview!

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 I have not written much lately because I have been travelling alot for work.  And one of the many challenges I have been facing recently is Recruiting!  I have been interviewing a lot of people for positions, and you will not believe some of the things I have heard in interviews.  One of my staff members thinks I should write a book on the subject, but I think I will start with my blog.

The following statements are actual statements I have heard in the past 2 months while interviewing people.  You can’t make this stuff up!

** “I dont believe in reading books and I don’t believe in professional development – I am as good as I’m going to get. “  The person who said this to me is not yet 40.

** “Everytime I get frustrated I need a day off! “  When asked how this person manages frustrations.

** “I’m going to need 2 months off my first year!”  Sweetie, if a company can give you two months off your first year, they probably don’t need you.

** “I assume one of my duties will be talk some people out of buying the product your trying to sell.  You know some people have too much, so I guess I’ll be cancelling a lot of orders!”  Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out, was the reply to that one.

The sad part is I could go on and on.   I had done a previous blog on whap happened to the work ethic, but I can tell you interviewing has turned into an interesting part of my work week. 

Hope you had a chuckle!  I know I did the minute they left the building.


Happy Easter!

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Just a quick note to say Happy Easter to all my friends, family, and fellow bloggers.   Whatever this Easter brings for you, whether its an abundance of faith, or spring cleaning the closets, I hope it finds you happy and safe.  

 Although it is Christianity’s most important holiday, for me personally it is a time of renewal, springtime and cleansing.  As I look out my window at the sudden down-pouring of snow, I realize its not very ‘spring-like’, but snow does have a cleansing effect.  I have also realized that it is this 4-day Easter weekend that brings out the spring cleaner in me.  I always tend to go deep deep deep in the closet space, and throw away one or two things I haven’t worn in 10 years, but somehow managed to talk myself  into keeping during last year’s Spring clean.

So enjoy this Easter with family or friends and I hope you find your own personal renewal and growth.  And remember, only 256 sleeps to Christmas.


U2’s No Line On The Horizon!

No Line on the Horizon cover      Bono at the Church of Light in Osaka 

I love this cd.  The 12th studio album from U2 is the first studio cd since “How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb”.   It reflects not only great writing talent, but portrays the fabulous musicians they are, and Bono’s vocals are top notch. 

Two of my favorite tracks are ‘Moment of Surrender’ and the title track “No Line on the Horizon”.   I also really like “Magnificent”!  The music of U2 automatically puts me in a good mood, and this cd is no exception.   It’s just good music!

Produced by Steve Lillywhite, Brian Eno, and fellow Canadian Daniel Lanois,  who has worked with such greats as Bob Dylan, Emmylou Harris, and Robbie Robertson. 

Above, is a picture of the cd cover, which is beautiful in that it is so simplistic.  It is a picture of Lake Constance, taken by Japanese photographer Hiroshi Sugimoto.  This photographer also took a picture Tadao Ando’s Church of Light, which Bono visited when he was in Osaka Japan in 2006.   (the other picture above)

Go out and buy this cd, you won’t regret spending the money.  And when I bought my copy, it says $1 from the purchase, will go towards the Global Fund, which goes to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.  So there you go, you not only get a great cd, you could help save a life.

