The Devil’s Punchbowl – Greg Iles – I Feel I Got Punched!

Devil's Punchbowl is No. 1 Bestselling paperback

** Spoiler Alert**

I love the books of Greg Iles.  I have read several, including True Evil, Turning Angel and Blood Memory.   I recently got my hands  on The Devil’s Punchbowl, I was excited.  I was pumped to get into a great book.  And it WAS a great book.  I just can’t believe he didn’t finish it!!!

Greg, this is for you.  I read 706 pages of this fabulous book, and actually thought that someone had ripped the last chapter from the folds.  There is no way you would taken us through The Devil’s Punchbowl and have the book end with your dad having a massive heart attack and something important to tell you.  Come On!!!!  That’s just cruel. 

Let me guess, the next part of the saga comes out in what, a year from now? 

For you authors, I realize you may want to line up sales for the next book by leaving the current book with a cliff hanger.  But keep in mind from the reader’s perspective, your next book may not be avaiable for 6 months to a year.  Guess What?  We have forgotten the cliffhanger.  People like closure.   Especially if you read on average 2 books a week.

Listen, if you’re good, you’re good.  and Greg Iles, you are good.  People will look at your next book, and not even read the back cover.  It will be a case of ‘Oooh, Greg Iles, I have to pick that book up”.  You don’t need to pull these stunts.   I had put you on par with Harlan Coben, but sorry my friend, you fell a notch.


Johnny Reid is coming to Newfoundland.

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I love the music of Johnny Reid.  And now he is coming to St. John’s on May 7th and 8th, and I have my tickets for the Friday, May 7th show.  I can’t wait.

It started for me with ‘Born to Roll’ and continued on with Kicking Stones and by the time ‘Darlin’ was released you couldn’t get a copy of the Kicking Stones cd anywhere in my hometown.  And Dance With Me has put out a string of  hits including ‘A Woman Like You’, ‘Dance With Me’ and ‘Old Flame’.  I own this cd and I love all the tracks, but my two favorites have not been released as singles yet, ‘My Old Friend’ and ‘Brings Me Home’. 

If you would like a taste of Johnny Reid, check out his video for a Darlin’.  Enjoy, and buy his cd’s.  Please don’t pirate the music.


Time to Spring Ahead!

Hey, it’s going to be a short weekend.  We lose an hour, because this is the weekend our clocks move ahead one hour into Daylight Saving Time.  I know, it seems really early to me too, but I have to admit, I am going to enjoy the longer evenings.   And the one hour of our weekend we use, worth it.

Daylight Saving Time is four weeks longer since 2007 due to the passage of the Energy Policy Act in 2005. The Act extended Daylight Saving Time by four weeks from the second Sunday of March to the first Sunday of November, with the hope that it would save 10,000 barrels of oil each day through reduced use of power by businesses during daylight hours. Unfortunately, it is exceedingly difficult to determine energy savings from Daylight Saving Time and based on a variety of factors, it is possible that little or no energy is saved by Daylight Saving Time.

Now, I have never noticed any change in heat or light bills for me.  How about you?  And if you do, what part of the world do you live in?

Look forward to hearing from you
