Nibbs Murphy

I was saddened to hear about the passing today of Nibbs Murphy!  Nibbs was a dog, a beautiful, tail-wagging happy dog – adopted 13 years ago by two people who loved him and made him part of their family, Mike and Kim Murphy.

Nibbs brought so much joy to the Murphy family, especially with the addition of  their two sons Elijah and Gavin.  The 5 family members made a home… a home filled with love, laughter, and joy!

I love these words from John Galsworthy about how a pet can make a pet a home!

    “N ot the least hard thing to bear when they
    go from us, these quiet friends, is that they
    carry away with them so many years of our lives.

    Y et, if they find warmth therein,who would
    begrudge them those years that they
    have so guarded?”

    And whatever they take, be sure they have deserved.”

    John Galsworthy “Memories”

You were loved Nibbs Murphy

Great Entertainment at the ECMA’s

Band Image      See full size image

The ECMA’s are taking place in Corner Brook, Newfoundland this weekend, and I had the pleasure of checking out a couple of the fantastic shows last night.

First up was Shanneyganock.  I just love this band.  They had King Henry’s Pub at the Glynmill Inn rockin’ with great toe-tapping music.  What a fantastic group of talented individuals.  If you ever have a chance to take in one of their shows, don’t miss it.  For information on the upcoming shows, their website is

Next up was the Songwriter Association of Canada’s show at the Palace Theatre, hosted by Bruce Guthro.   Bruce Guthro is from Sydney Mines Nova Scotia, and not only a great singer, but a talented songwriter as well.   If you are not familiar with this man’s music, check out ‘Walk This Road’, ‘Falling’, ‘Touch’ or ‘Here for You’.  Those are a few of my favorites.  

Joining Bruce on Stage for the Bluebird North Showcase was Chris Picco from Newfoundland, J.D. Clark from Nova Scotia, Don Brownrigg and Steven Bowers.  Overall, a fantastic night. 

We have the most talented musicians from Eastern Canada in our city right now.  Take advantage while you can.



The ECMA’s are here!

  click to zoom image - Marble Mountain Resort -   photo added by TheCodfather

The East Coast Music Awards gets underway in Corner Brook, Newfoundland starting  February 26th and continuing until March 1st.   All of us who live here are excited about the entertainment, musicians and visitors that will arrive in the city over the next couple of days.

Already you can feel the buzz and the vibrancy.  Venues all over the city are hosting entertainers from the East Coast of Canada.

AND, I just bought a brand new digital camera.  So I will be testing that out this weekend.  Stay tuned.  I will have pictures of the East Coast Music Awards.

Enjoy the weekend!


Oscar Fashion! Yawn!


Can you spell dullsville!  I was disappointed in the fashions at the Oscars.  I was hoping to see more color.  Cream color dresses everywhere!

Jessica Biel, Marissa Tomei, Anne Hathaway, Penelope Cruz, Nicole Kidman, Evan Rachael Wood, Aghhhhhh!  Come on ladies, boring with a Capital B!

Here were some of my favorites.  Amy Adams, you rocked!   Freida Pinto from Slumdog Millionaire was exquisite.  Natalie Portman looked fantastic in the pink number.   Kate Winslet looked like a sculpture in her beautiful Atelier Yves St. Laurent.   Heidi Klum dazzled in Red.   And although she irritates me, I like the dress worn by Miley Cyrus.  Excellent choice.

Basic black is one of my favorites and Anglina Jolie looked fabulous in an Elie Saab dress and Diane Lane looked like a movie star in the Dolce and Gabbana strapless.

The absolute worst.  Beyonce.  My God, she looked like a set of curtains from the disco era.   Sarah Jessica Parker, not only was the dress a boring color, it was TOO SMALL.  You were busting out of it, and it wasn’t attractive.  Whoopi Goldberg, less than purr-fect in the leopard skin.  Vanessa Hugdens should stay away from hunting areas, and Zac Efron put the tux in the dryer, it looked way too small and he looked out of place. 

Interesting to see who agrees and disagrees with me.

The Oscars!

See full size image  Rourke-oscars mickey-rourke-2009-oscars-15   Winslet-oscar kate-winslet-2009-oscars-01  Hugh Jackman with Anne Hathaway in the opening number for the 2009 Oscars

“You Commie Homo Lovin’  Son’s of Guns!’  It’s not every day you hear that at an Awards Ceremony!  Sean Penn’s first line after winning the Oscar for Best Actor for his role playing Harvey Milk in the film Milk, and by far, the best Oscar acceptance speech of the night!
It was a night of some predictability, a lot of cream colored dresses and some great moments.  I thought Hugh Jackman did a superb job of hosting.  This is not an easy job… It tends to be a 4-hour show and you have to entertain through awards given in categories that not alot of people talk about, like Best Foreign Film, Cinematography, Sound Editing, Sound Mixing… and the list goes on and on!   I really enjoyed the opening number. The length of this show leaves a lot to be desired though. 
I was really glad Sean Penn won, I personally think he is a brilliant actor in all the roles he takes on.  I was cheering for Mickey Rourke.  I saw ‘The Wrestler’ and thought he gave a jaw-dropping performance.   And I thought the recognition Sean Penn gave him was well-deserved.   Kate Winslet was honest and funny with her story of the shampoo bottle, and to no one’s surprise “Slum Dog Millionaire” won Best Picture.
I have got to comment on some of the funny moments… Ben Stiller doing his Joaquin Phoenix impression was hilarious, but I think the best was Steve Martin and Tina Fey.  Two of the funniest people on the planet had people laughing so hard.  And if you missed the Red Carpet, you missed Mickey Rourke telling people “I hope Sean Penn wins, if he does I’ll be there clapping my ass off”!
And with that, I think I will wrap it up!