Patrick Swayze – We Lost Our Dirty Dancer!

COUNTRY BOY photo | Lisa Niemi, Patrick Swayze

If you are my age, one of the biggest heart-throbs of our generation was the Patrick Swayze.  On Monday, September 14th, the ultimate Dirty Dancer lost his battle with Pancreatic Cancer.

He is pictured above with his wife of 34 years Lisa Niemi.   My heart goes out to her today, his soul-mate and life partner.  You get to call each other soul-mates when you’ve been together for 39 years in total, and married for 34 of them in Hollywood.  To everyone who have been “in love” for a month, take note, that’s lust.  Going through good times and bad, stardom, a miscarriage and a death sentence – and remaining together – now that’s love.

Hollywood wasn’t his life – it was what he did for a living.  He once said his life was on his ranch, with his horses and dogs, and of course his wife.   The lead in such films as Ghost, Dirty Dancing and the Outsiders, this multi-talented star also did Broadway, and more recently, starred in a television series called ‘The Beast’.

There is an additional bright star in the Heavens tonight, and that star is Patrick Swayze.

4 Months No Television

Ten Reasons To Turn Off Your TV“American children and adolescents spend 22 to 28 hours per week viewing television, more than any other activity except sleeping. By the age of 70 they will have spent 7 to 10 years of their lives watching TV.”
— The Kaiser Family Foundation

Today is September 1st, and marks 4 months I have had no television.  Fall is just around the corner and with much longer evenings (is it really only 8:36 p.m.) and all the shows starting up, does it get tempting…. a little!

So, I did a little browsing around the internet.  Check out some of the facts at  Some of the info will blow your mind.   There is concern that television is turning us into a nation of morons.. (not my words).   Plus, here are five more reasons to turn off your tv.. even for a week!  Try it for one week and see what happens.

1.  You’ll start cooking real meals, because you wont be late for that tv show.

2.  You will start exercising more

3.  You’ll read more books

4.  Spend more time with the important people in your life.

5.  You’ll get more projects completed.

Please let me know how your week without television went.

Looking forward to hearing
