Come Summer With Me!


Much of Canada is experiencing a crazy heat wave this week.  I feel for my fellow Canadians in Ontario and Quebec as they have experienced temperatures in the 40’s.  So far, in Atlantic Canada, it hit 38-degrees on Wednesday, and I’m hoping it doesn’t get any hotter than that.  I like Summer as much as the next person, but extreme heat, like extreme Winter weather is no fun.  There’s not a lot you can do outside when it’s that hot.  Solution:  Stay inside with the fans and the AC and enjoy a glass of wine or a cold beverage of any kind.

I know the blog is called ‘Wine – In My Opinion’, but this wine lover also likes to enjoy an ice cold beer every once in a while.  Nova Scotia has exploded with some fantastic craft beers and sales in craft beer in my province grew by 50% last year.  Well this item is made in Moncton, New Brunswick, but is sold here in Halifax.  I’m going to start this week’s wine blog off with an icy cold Crafty Radler from Pumphouse Brewery in New Brunswick.  This Radler, flavored with grapefruit and tangerine is beyond delicious and the hops and malt are very balanced.  I tried this beer this past week, and even if you don’t think you like beer, you’ll probably like this one.  And if this particular Radler isn’t available, there is a wide assortment of refreshing Radler beers available.

Now let’s get back to the reason you’re here… the wine!

Cab France

All around the office I’ve heard people say they are not cooking, except for the BBQ, as it’s too warm to put on the oven.  BBQ?  Here’s your wine.  It’s not often you see Cabernet Franc on its own, it’s usually part of a Bordeaux blend, or a Bordeaux-style blend.  If done right, it can be delicious on its own, like this one from Chile.  As a matter of fact, the wine maker is from Bordeaux France, François Lurton, who happens to be a 5th Generation winemaker.  You know he is making good wine. This is another fine example of excellent wine being produced in the Colchagua Valley in Chile, and this fine wine sells for under $17.  The Araucano Reserve Cabernet Franc, try it!

And now for my wine of the week….


The Four Vines Biker Zinfandel hails from Paso Robles in California and is a gem, in my opinion.  Burgers, ribs, padta… there isn’t too much you can’t pair with this wine. Full-bodied with hints of pepper,  after 30 years of research and DNA testing, it has been confirmed that Zinfandel is identical to Italy’s Primitivo.  Which means the grape variety is even older than originally thought because Primitivo originally cane to Italy from Croatia.  Whatever the history, this is a great wine that comes in under $30!

That’s it for this week, stay safe out there!  And remember to keep your pets cool.

Till next week, Cheers




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