Wines to Warm Your Soul

Is it just me or is this year flying by. Halloween is over, we are into November, and the Starbucks Christmas blend is out. Temperatures have dropped here in Atlantic Canada and we had our first snowfall on Wednesday. But as I write this, it’s 9-degrees and expected to hit 13 today. I’ll take it.

It’s also Christmas Craft Fair season

I love Christmas Craft fairs, and Christmas at the Forum is on this weekend and the next 2 weekends. I just happened to do a little visit and picked myself up a little gift. Made here in Halifax, Rudi is a success story when it comes to hot sauce. His dad grew up in Bahamas and is known as the Peppermaster. Rudi added hot sauce to everything. And now he makes his own, and they are delicious.

Sweet cherry bomb is the flavor I used on these wings. WOW! So yummy. And what I like about Rudi’s, he has a wide range of sauces that go from mild to extra spicy. Pick your spice level. As you can see from the glass in the back, I was having red, but here’s a great wine to have with spicy wings.

If I were to recommend a wine, I would choose a Riesling. Riesling is a white wine that comes in a wide range of sweetness. This is the coolest bottle and the picture was painted by the winemaker, Heinz Ames. The bottle also contains a really really good wine. It’s the Moselland Ars Vitis Riesling and it’s priced at $19 a bottle. I like my Riesling with just a tinge of sweetness on the tip of your tongue. This wine has beautiful flavors of stone fruit and honey, with that tinge of sweetness.

Before I put those wings in my air fryer to make that crispy, I smoked them first on my pellet grill. Slow and low, I had them on 250-degrees for about 45 minutes and then put them in my air fryer. Smoky, spicy and crispy, they were perfect.

Here’s the wine I had last night

From Valencia Spain, Con un Par (With a Pair) is a blend of Monastrell and Petite Verdot. It’s a very earthy wine, as some Spanish wines are. I had the 2017 and again, this wine needs to be aerated or some time to breathe. It’s been in the bottle 6 years, it needs a little breathing room. I was swirling like crazy. It is on clearance now at about $18 a bottle.

I’m not sure if truer words were ever spoken.

Have a great weekend, I have to bring my nephew Riley to the airport and then get my nails done. St FX is on a week’s break and he’s pretty excited to be going to Corner Brook, his girlfriend of more than a year is going to school there.

Till next week, Cheers.



  1. Donna McCarthy says:


    div>Hey Darlene. Hope you’re doing ok. Can you tell me or do something

    1. darmyers says:

      Hi Donna, I’m doing great, thank you for asking. Can I tell you? I didn’t get the rest of the question

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